
School of Business, Investing, and Finance

Learn Successful Stock Investing and Essential Concepts of Business and Entrepreneurship

Grow Your Confidence in Investing and Entrepreneurship

A Clear Objective and a Strong System

Our objective at Stock Market Companion is to –

  • Teach business finance concepts in a manner that is easy to understand, so that opportunities and risks can be properly understood and acted upon.
  • Teach an exciting system for sound and successful common stock investing.
  • Prepare a generation of people to understand how to impact the marketplace and business – by understanding what distinguishes excellence in business and how to see what needs to be done to make a business thrive.

Our system is built around our proven S.I.M.P.L.E. Stock Investing Method™ and our investing routines (see Stock Market Companion Power Tools Notebook for Successful Investing Routine A) which provide a clear framework to identify and understand opportunities as they appear.  It involves learning to understand current global and business events and entrepreneurialism that reveals immediate and future investment opportunities.  We want you to know how to successfully grow and protect your money.

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