
School of Business, Investing, and Finance

Learn Successful Stock Investing and Essential Concepts of Business and Entrepreneurship

Grow Your Confidence in Investing and Entrepreneurship

Contact Information

School of Business, Investing, and Finance

Headquartered in Hood River, Oregon USA – the School of Business, Investing, and Finance is focused on teaching principles of investing and entrepreneurship creatively and effectively for long term retention and life-long successful application.

Email = Eric@SBIFeducation.com
Phone = 971 801 2649

Starting in 2003, the Stock Market Companion (SMC) – Stock Investing Course began as a winter series of Saturday early morning teachings for homeschool students and adults on stock investing and business analysis, introducing and using my SIMPLE investing method.

Demand for this teaching increased as word about it spread.  Over time, students of all ages arrived by car and plane to learn this material.  A dedicated homeschool parent and friend encouraged me to put the course together in its current format, which I have improved over the years with helpful feedback from students and parents.

Course(s) are carefully structured based on classical education principles of the trivium – with grammar (terms and definitions), leading to logic (thought and analysis), leading to rhetoric (personal application of knowledge and understanding).   The format is currently book format arriving in a kit containing all materials together, with online quizzes and videos to facilitate comprehension, retention, and exciting application.