Build Your Confidence
The Stock Market Companion is dedicated to providing a picture and understanding of the stock market that leads to increased self-confidence for you as an individual investor.
Whether you are a new or experienced investor, there is simply nothing that brings you more confidence in the management of your money than having an accurate understanding of the market. This understanding will lead you to know when to be in the market for growth or on the sidelines for protection. There is great confidence that comes from knowing when to participate in the market and choosing the right stocks to invest in.
Using an analogy of a gardener and garden, consider the joy that both novice and seasoned gardener’s alike have when they see the first flowers and edible vegitables that come from their carefully planted gardens, when they have correctly planted their seeds in the spring – after the last frost.
Wouldn’t it sound terrible if these same gardeners didn’t have their own gardens, because they believed the people and advertisers who told them that they couldn’t “successfully plant on their own” or that they couldn’t successfully “time the last frost”? So it is when financial firms and the media “sow” their own ideas that you “can’t time the market”, “buy and hold”, and “diversification” which lead to people depositing all of their discretionary money with them.
Imagine telling either a novice or seasoned gardener that sowing all year long is going to somehow result in a more bountiful crop at harvest time! They would laugh. They know that it’s simply not true. It is no different with the stock market. The time to sow money for growth in the stock market is when the conditions are right for growth to occur. Can an “annual” be left in the ground with a realistic expectation that it will grow next year? Can you picture an experienced gardener chipping away at frozen ground in order to sow seeds in January? Of course not.
Whether you are a new or experienced investor, the Stock Market Companion is here to provide an understanding of when the conditions are right for growing money in the stock market and for determining which stocks are going to lead to real growth.
Build your confidence, follow the Stock Market Companion.
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