
School of Business, Investing, and Finance

Learn Successful Stock Investing and Essential Concepts of Business and Entrepreneurship

Grow Your Confidence in Investing and Entrepreneurship

This engaging course teaches you why there are publicly traded companies, the initial public offering process, how to read and understand company quarterly and annual financial reports,  over 50 key business finance terms, the stock market and how to use the S.I.M.P.L.E. stock investing method that I created and that I continue to use successfully today.

You will also learn in this flexible 18 week self-guided course the key principles of value and growth stock investing.  You will learn important insights and details about the stock market, how to find and quantify what a profitable and excellent publicly traded business looks like, and to be able to decide for yourself the best time to purchase shares.   Here is a quick course overview video –

Investing in stocks involves risk, so be careful. You could lose some or all of your money! Always simulate and practice what you have learned with “paper trading” before deciding to put real money at risk.

While I’ve made a lot of money stock investing, an additional benefit from business analysis and stock investing for me has been learning excellent business practices, and applying these principles to help others. I wish for you the same.


CFO Eric
Eric Stasak