
School of Business, Investing, and Finance

Learn Successful Stock Investing and Essential Concepts of Business and Entrepreneurship

Grow Your Confidence in Investing and Entrepreneurship

Stock Market Companion – Stock Investing Course is a Powerful Life Skill

as verified by many customers and curriculum reviewers…

“…I don’t want to just give my children fish, I want to teach them how to fish for a lifetime…” (Stock Market Companion Customer – Dr. E. Conzatti)

“…a great way to teach children how to discern market issues and make wise choices.” (Curriculum Reviewer – Paradigm Accelerated Curriculum Founder, Ronald E. Johnson C. Ph.D.)

“…Students completing this course might well find that they have developed a way to produce income for the rest of their lives, so it is well worth the effort required.”  (Curriculum Reviewer – Cathy Duffy Reviews, Cathy Duffy)



YOU can complete the course in approximately 18 weeks (approx. 102 hours) or less, with the purpose for you to –

• Master the proven S.I.M.P.L.E. Stock Investing Method

• Learn the LANGUAGE and understand the MEASURES of business and finance which will serve you throughout your lifetime!

• Develop confidence in your ability to understand business, finance, and the stock market.  Nurture an appropriate appreciation for business and finance.

• Learn what an excellent company looks like for the purposes of investing, employment, or possibly building your own.

• Learn where to get excellent information, and what information you need to successfully analyze a company.

• Use the S.I.M.P.L.E method to prepare for your next interview and succeed in landing your dream job!

• Build up a personal, fundamental understanding of how the stock market works, what makes company shares move higher or lower in value, and be able to complete a fundamental and technical analysis to determine what may happen in the future with the price of a specific company stock.

• Establish a fundamental understanding of why there are publicly traded corporations, their origin, and how a company becomes a publicly traded company on the stock exchange.

• Develop the skills necessary to identify a company whose share price may STRONGLY increase in value, by learning a method for evaluating the quality of a company based on its financials, its products, and its management.

• Learn a method for evaluating the condition of the overall market, so that you know when it is wise to own stocks and when it is wise to sell stocks.

• Develop your own routine that you can use throughout your life that will help you successfully engage the stock market.

• Establish the foundation required to be able to possibly successfully grow your money in the stock market.

• See how money can be grown and lost in stock market investing.

• Learn how to follow investment ideas, differentiate the good from mediocre or bad ones, track the good ones, and know when to engage them for a high probability of success.