The 4-“L’s” = Four Simple Guidelines for Today’s Stock Investing Environment
Here are 4 simple stock investing guidelines that we call the “4-L’s” – summarizing our current view of the market –
L1 = Lighten exposure to the equities market (at SMC we took our profits and raised 100% cash last week) until this European sovereign debt issue is more predictable. Be willing to engage specific stocks that offer compelling stories (we invested in GTIV yesterday).
L2 = Learn. Learn to invest in a new way. Most Americans are operating with an understanding of equities investing promoted by a financial service industry designed to generate FEE revenue for them, independent of performance.
L3 = Link. Link to sources with new ideas. Build an “Investing – Team” … Link up with your children, or friends, or an investment club and learn to invest together – where possible (avoid however the dangers of co-mingling funds).
L4 = Let Go. Let go of pre-conceived ideas about investing and mistakes from the past. Give yourself a break and start fresh.
Grow your money – on your own – inside your retirement accounts (IRA, Roth IRA… ) or in your traditional brokerage account… Follow how we apply our successful “Story-Stock Investing” process to grow our own money. You can decide on your own whether to do the same or simply watch and learn. It takes just a few minutes a day.
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Please remember – at the Stock Market Companion we do not and cannot give individual investment advice. According to the State of Washington RCW21.20.005 the Stock Market Companion is not a Registered Financial Advisor and we do not render any advice on the basis of the specific investment situation of a particular individual. This information is for a wide readership and is not intended for any particular individual, and under no circumstances should our Market Update or Watchlist be considered an investment recommendation or plan for any specific individual. By accessing this material, you agree that the Stock Market Companion will not be held liable for any actions taken by a subscriber or other parties. Please seek the counsel of a broker or other licensed investment professional for accurate pricing and concerning the suitability of all investments that you may be considering. Disclosure : You understand that the Stock Market Companion holds positions in the above mentioned securities. Based on market related or personal events these positions may change without notice.