
School of Business, Investing, and Finance

Learn Successful Stock Investing and Essential Concepts of Business and Entrepreneurship

Grow Your Confidence in Investing and Entrepreneurship

You need a stock investing process / method THAT WORKS! Overview of my S.I.M.P.L.E. Stock Investing process.

To be a successful stock investor over the long term, you need a process for identifying, assessing (analyzing), and engaging possible investments.

For me, my S.I.M.P.L.E. stock investing process is the process that I use to successfully invest in stocks.

The Stock Market Companion – Stock Investing Course teaches you my S.I.M.P.L.E. process for successful investing.  It is designed to teach you and serve you all your investing career, just as it has me.

My process combines knowledge that I gained from years of investing, reading almost every investing book available, The Economist magazine, Investor’s Business Daily, and – VERY SIGNIFICANTLY – what I learned from working at the Aluminum Company of America (ALCOA) during it’s turn-around / rebirth in the early 1990’s.

My process is designed to keep you focused on the essentials, help you quickly discover and quantify what is happening at a company that has captured your attention, and get you to the decision point as to whether the company share price represents a buy, wait, hold, or sell, based on a combination of fundamental and technical analysis.

Here’s a quick overview of the S.I.M.P.L.E. process that I teach through this valuable course –

S = Story (What is / are the key catalyst(s) behind the company of interest?)

I = Institutional Involvement (Is the stock chart showing investor interest = buying or share accumulation?  Or is it showing selling or share distribution?)

M = Market (Is the background market favorable for investing at this time?  Don’t Fight the Market! The vast majority of stocks move in the direction of the overall market).

P = Person or Product (Is there a particular person or product that makes the story work for this investment?)

L = Leader (Is the company a leader in its industry group or is its product a leader in its market?  Have the shares become a leader in the stock market?)

E = Earnings (Are current quarterly earnings and annual earnings growing?)

My course teaches you how to understand the stock market, how to measure and quantify each of the 6 major components of the S.I.M.P.L.E. process, and how to determine the right price and timing for your investment.

I’ve designed this process (or method) so that it will serve you all your life, throughout the different seasons that often will leave you with precious little time for investing.  This tool will help you make quick, purposeful, and focused analysis – and hopefully fit into your busy lifestyle.

I am  confident that if you learn this process carefully, you will know MORE about global and business finance, the mechanics of individual companies, and the requirements for successful individual stock investing than 99% of the public in America.